Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spring Season Outdoor Adventure at the Kickapoo Valley Reserve near Westby

There is not a better way to get the winter blues out of the system then to think Spring!
Everyone is ready to enjoy some Spring like weather after this very long and cold winter Southwest Wisconsin and the country have experienced this year.
Our Rhododendron in full bloom!
So start exploring and planning the many fun and educational Springtime adventures you will find close to the Westby House Inn.

The Kickapoo Valley Reserve in La Farge should be your first stop. On Saturday, March 22, 2014  Jean Napp will have a presentation "Falling in Love with the Night Sky".  After a short indoor presentation, you can experience the amateur astronomer in you by stargazing outdoors. Jean, who is President of the Starsplitters of Wyalusing, will share the story of how she became a stargazer and tell you about the stars, constellations, clusters and nebula of the March sky. Time is 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm. $5.00 fee. Registration deadline: March 21st.  608-625-2960.

On April 26, 2014 at the Reserve will be a Spring Ephemerals Hike. The rich mesic woods of Wisconsin's Driftless Area provide on of the best places to experience the beauty of spring. Delicate spring ephemerals who only make a brief appearance while canopy above them  is still just budding out, and learn more about the natural communities that are home to these plants.
Conservation biologist, Darcy Kind will take you on this rich encounter with Mother Nature. Time: Saturday 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. $5.00 Fee and registration deadline is April 25th. 608.625.2960.
Here are a
few more ways to experience Spring at the Reserve:
Saturday, March 08, 2014

Creative Communities Art Demonstrations & Sale

 Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Call of the Frog

The Wisconsin DNR Frog and Toad Survey invites you to a presentation at the KVR Visitor Center to listen and learn the 12 Wisconsin frog calls. Participants will get an opportunity to “speak” like a frog and information as to how to become a Citizen Scientist for the WI Frog and Toad Survey. Children are encouraged to attend. This free program starts at 9 am.
More information

 Wednesday, April 09, 2014

64 Wisconsin State Parks in 365 Days
Waterfalls, wildlife sightings, big waves, lighthouses, spectacular rock formations, tense moments, and unbelievable adventures were part of Jonathan Ringdahl's quest to visit all 64 of Wisconsin's state parks in one year. Jonathan will also show some of his contest-winning photography of some of the most beautiful places in Wisconsin. Presenter: Jonathan Ringdahl. Refreshments and socializing at 6:30 pm. Talk begins at 7:00 pm. Sponsored by the Kickapoo Valley Reforestation Fund and the Friends of the Kickapoo Valley Reserve. Programs are free and open to the public. No registration required.